Department of English

What the imagination seizes as Beauty, must be truth
- John Keats


Semester-wise Three year B.A. Honours Course in English (Under CBCS system, University of Calcutta)


CBCS Syllabus | CCF Syllabus

Intake Capacity : 56


Semester-wise Two year M.A. Course in English (Under CBCS system, University of Calcutta)
View Syllabus |
View Revised Syllabus w.e.f. 2022

Intake Capacity : 16

About the Department

The Department of English is the first department to have been set up in this heritage institution. A. W. Croft had arranged the transfer of BabooSosi Bhushan Dutt, 'a master of English and of Philosophy', from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack to Bethune College (then part of Bethune School) in Calcutta, to teach Kadambini Basu in the F.A. class. In 1890. Bethune College opened its course in B.A. (Honours) Examination of Calcutta University with three women candidates among whom Sarala Ghosal (later Sarala Devi Choudhurani) scored the highest marks and won the Padmavati Gold Medal. The English department made great progress under the guidance of dedicated teachers like Prof. Sujata Chaudhuri, Prof. Karuna Chakraborty; Prof. Manisha Sen, Prof Ishita Dutta and Prof. Santa Mahalanobis. At present, the department has six full-time teachers.

According to the NAAC Peer Team's recommendation, a Postgraduate Course was introduced in the year 2007. The department maintains a healthy balance between tradition and modernity, academics and culture. Regular seminars and workshops are organized in the department for the students. A Students' Exchange Programme has been initiated in collaboration with Hooghly Mohsin College from June 2021. This has received very good response from students of both institutions at the UG and PG level.

 Our students fare well in academic as well as extracurricular activities. Regular and strict schedule of classes and tutorials as well as remedial classes for slow learners ensure their academic development. The department also has a good percentage of progression to postgraduate level. In the recent past, many of our students have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship in colleges. The department is proud of its students.


Manjari Ghosh
Smt. Manjari Ghosh

Associate Professor and HOD
M.A., M.Phil.
View Profile

Anushila Hazra Bhattacharya
Dr. Anushila Hazra Bhattacharya

Officer-in-charge and Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
View Profile

Piyali Gupta
Dr. Piyali Gupta

Assistant Professor
View Profile

Neelanjana Basu
Smt. Neelanjana Basu

Assistant Professor
View Profile

Rhea Mitra
Smt. Rhea Mitra

Assistant Professor
M.A., M.Phil.
View Profile

Arati Banerjee
Smt. Arati Banerjee

Assistant Professor
M.A., B.Ed.
View Profile


Research Activities

Sl No.

Name of the Principal Investigator

Title of the Project

Funding Agency Total Amount


1 Shuchismita Mitra Saint and Lover: Nineteenth Century Miracle Lore in Bengal UGC PHW-069/13-14 dt 18.3.14 2,61,400 2014-16
2 Piyali Gupta Disciplining Deafness: Construction of the Disabled Self in Harriet Martineau's Writings UGC PHW-070/13-14 dt 18.3.14 1,75,000 2014-16


Departmental Prizes/Scholarships

  • Paresh Nath Sen Memorial Prize: Student of the institution who scores highest marks in English Honours in the B.A. Examination from Bethune College.
  • Prasanta Kumar Guha Memorial Award for Leadership &Social Awareness: Awarded to a deserving student of English Department.
  • Rina Ghosh & Shyamal Chandra Ghosh Memorial Silver Medal (initiated in 2007): Awarded to the best all-rounder of the Department of English, Bethune College.
  • Debkumar Gupta Memorial Prize (initiated in 2016): Two Prizes Awarded for securing the highest marks in the first two and the Final Examinations in M.A. English in Bethune College
  • Sayantani Adhikary Foundation Award (initiated in 2023): Two prizes awarded to the Best All-rounders among the UG & PG students
  • Staff Prize for highest proficiency in B.A. English Honours.
  • Bijay Kumar Dutta Smriti Purashkar (initiated in 2023): Prize for the best talent in literary ability (in English or Bengali).

Extension Activities

Seminars/Lectures/Webinars organized by the department

Funding Agency


Name of Speaker, Designation


No. of Participants
Bethune College 02.03.2023 Dr. Oindri Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Aliah University Cartographies of Desire (ability): Reading Gender, Genre and Historical Subjectivity in Fanny Burney's Evelina 40
Bethune College 29.11.2022 Dr. Aparna Bandyopadhyay, Associate Professor, Department of History, Diamond Harbour Women's University A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 123
Bethune College 23.04.2022 Dr Sandip Mondal, Associate Professor,
Dept of English, University of Calcutta
The Politics of Fear in Sholay 110
Bethune College 09.04.2022 Smt Indrani Ganguly, Retd Interpreting Officer,
Calcutta High Court
Amrita Pritam 60
Bethune College 07.10.2021 Shri Vinod Kapri, Noted Film Director The Craft of Documentation in Film 250
Hooghly Mohsin College & Bethune College 28.09.2021
Dr Pinaki De, Noted Illustrator
Associate Professor, Dept of
English, Raja Peary Mohan
College, Uttarpara
Herge, Son of Tintin 230
Bethune College 21.05.2021 Ms Keka De, Instructional Designer and alumni of the college A Career Conversation on Instructional Design 80
Bethune College 04.07.2020 Sri Somnath Chakraborty, Head, Dept of English, Lalgola College Webinar on Literature Through Music: Rendition of a Section of Abhijnanashakuntalam and Kubla Khan on Violin 502
Bethune College 04.02.2020 Sri Ashok Pande, Eminent Translator and Author Literature and Translation  
Bethune College 15.11.2019 Dr. Siddhartha Biswas, Associate Professor, Dept of English,University of Calcutta Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party 65
Bethune College 29.3.2019 Dr. Subir Dhar, Former Professor, Dept of English, Rabindra Bharati University The Plays of Mahesh Dattani 47
Bethune College 11.3.2019 Prof Indranee Ghosh,Former Associate Professor, Bidhannagar College Questioning Reality and Unreality through folk myths 66
Bethune College 11.3.2019 Dr. Nandini Bhattacharya, Professor, Dept of English, Burdwan University Questioning Reality though Tagore's novels 61
Bethune College 26.2.2019 Dr. Sisir Kr Chatterjee,Associate Professor, Dept of English, Hooghly Mohsin College Phillip Larkin's Poetry 38
Bethune College 11.12.2017 Sri Manosij Majumdar, Former Associate Professor, Sri Chaitanya College Renaissance Art and Monalisa 117
Bethune College 08.3.2017 Dr. Anwesha Sengupta, Assistant Professor, Institute of Development Studies Breaking up Bengal 45
Bethune College 08.3.2017 Dr. Tista Das, Assistant Professor, Bankura University Women's Experiences of Partition 53
Bethune College 09.12.2016 Dr. Chinmay Guha, Professor, Dept of English, University of Calcutta T.S. Eliot and Modernism 127
Bethune College 05.05.2015 Ms. Asmita Das, Research Scholar at Media Lab, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University Reinterrogating the Apu Trilogy 21
Bethune College 27.04.2015 Dr. Pradipta Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, Vidyasagar College for Women, Kolkata Shakespeare's Film Adaptations 23


U.G. Results 2023

No. of Students Appeared : 40
No. of Students Passed : 37
No. of Students Not Cleared Semester (Fail) : 03

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 1
CGPA 6 to 7 32
CGPA 7 to 8 4
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
Semester not cleared 3

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English UG Result 2023

U.G. Results 2022 

No. of Students Appeared : 44
No. of Students Passed : 44
No. of Students Not Cleared Semester (Fail) : 01

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 1
CGPA 6 to 7 29
CGPA 7 to 8 14
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
Semester not cleared 0

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English UG Result 2022

U.G. Results 2022  under CBCS

No. of Students Appeared : 44
No. of Students Passed : 43
No. of Students Not Cleared Semester (Fail) : 01

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 1
CGPA 6 to 7 28
CGPA 7 to 8 14
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
Semester not cleared 1

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English UG Result 2022


U.G. Results 2021

No of Students: 47

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 13
CGPA 6 to 7 33
CGPA 7 to 8 1
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
Semester not cleared (fail) 0

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English UG Result 2021


U.G. Results 2015-2020

Year Candidates appeared First Class Rank
2020 33 7 --
2019 33 -- --
2018 30 2 1st, 3rd & 7th
2017 25 -- --
2016 45 -- --
2015 25 -- --
English UG Result

P.G. Results 2023

No. of Students Appeared : 10
No. of Students Passed : 5
No. of Students Not Cleared Semester (Fail) :5

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 4
CGPA 6 to 7 1
CGPA 7 to 8 0
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
not cleared

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English PG Result 2023

P.G. Results 2022

No. of Students Appeared : 14
No. of Students Passed : 14
No. of Students Not Cleared Semester (Fail) :0

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 9
CGPA 6 to 7 5
CGPA 7 to 8 0
CGPA 8 to 9 0
CGPA 9 to 10 0
not cleared

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English PG Result 2022

P.G. Results 2021

No of Students:15

Results No of Students
CGPA 5 to 6 9
CGPA 6 to 7 3
CGPA 7 to 8 0
CGPA 8 to 9 0
Previous Semester
not Cleared

The CGPA of any student is placed in the higher class of CGPA

English PG Result 2021

P.G. Results 2015-2020

Year Candidates appeared First Class
2020 14 6
2019 10 --
2018 11 2
2017 13 --
2016 10 4
2015 14 2
English PG Result

Students' Section

Achievements of Present Students


Students' Seminars organized in the Department



26.04.2022 Romantic and Victorian Literature UG Semester IV
24.7.2019 Reading Canto I of The Rape of the Lock UG III and UG Semester III
18.9.2017 Romanticism and William Wordsworth UG I
12.9.2017 Interrogating Orientalism II PG II
23.9.2016 Interrogating Orientalism PG II
8.8.2016 Reading Texts Critically UG I
30.9.2015 Reconnaisance with Mahesh Dattani: Reading Tara and Bravely Fought the Queen PG I&2, UG III
  • Four PG Semester 4 students of the Department of English, Nilanjana Mukherjee, Sutapa Roy, Arusha Paul and Shampa Bhattacharya presented papers at a Workshop on Research Methodology for Migration Studies, organized by Centre for Studies on Borders and Movements in collaboration with Departments of History & English, West Bengal State University & Women's Studies Centre, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata in October 2022.
  • Pratyasha Sen, a final year undergraduate student presented a paper at the Two-day National Conference organized by the IIT Roorkee in association with the Ministry of Culture, Government of India in December 2021. She had also presented papers at Student's Webinars organized by the Department of English, Adamas University, Kolkata (July 2021) and Sister Nivedita University (July 2020).
  • Soumashree Mukherjee presented a paper at the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Postmemory and the Contemporary World (online) organized by Inmind Support, Gdansk, Poland in February 2021. She also won the Heldrich Dvorak Travel Fellowship Award for presenting her paper titled 'Aftertaste of Apocalypse: Fragmenting the Dystopia in The Umbrella Academy' at the Southwest Popular/American Cultural Association's 42nd Annual SWPACA Conference during 2020-21 session.
  • Soumashree along with another PG student, Oindrila Dey presented a paper in an Interdisciplinary Workshop by Centre for Memory Studies, IIT Madras in November 2021.
  • Sayanti Chakraborty and Sisilia Banerjee of UG Semester IV presented papers at the Undergraduate Students' Seminar organized by Sister Nivedita University in February 2020.

Achievements of Ex-Students

Students' Progression to Higher Education

Mukulika Choudhury (UG 2016) completed her MPhil from the Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University during 2021-22 session.

Soumili Das (UG 2017) joined PhD programme in English, Visva Bharati University during 2021-22.

Namrata Paul and Amrita Das who completed their graduation in 2019 have joined PhD programmes at the Department of Humanistic Studies IIT (BHU) and IIT Guwahati respectively.

Bhaswati Bhattacharjee (PG 2016) joined PhD programme in English, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya during 2021-22.

Dripta Sarangi (UG 2019) is pursuing M.Phil in Linguistics at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

Pratyusha Pramanik (UG 2016) has been researching at IIT, Varanasi for her PhD degree since 2018-19.



Number of students enrolling to Higher Education

Programme graduated from Department graduated from Name of Institution joined Name of Programme admitted to
2022 28 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01- University of Tubingen, Germany M.A. in English Literature
02- Calcutta University M.A. in Linguistics (02)
01- Loreto College (CU) M.A. in English (01)
 01- Basanti Devi College (CU) M.A. in English (01)
02- Bagbazar Women's College (CU) M.A. in English (02)
01- Shri Shikshayatan College (CU) M.A. in English (01)
02- Jawaharlal Nehru University M.A. in English (01)
M.A. in Linguistics (01)
05- Jadavpur University M.A. in English (02)
M.A. in Comparative Literature (01)
M.A. in Film Studies (01)
PG Diploma in Mass Communication (01)
04- RabindraBharati University M.A. in English (04)
02-St. Xavier's College (autonomous) M.A. in English (02)
01-University of Hyderabad M.A. in English (01)
01- Benaras Hindu University M.A. in English (01)
01-Christ's University, Bangalore M.A. in English (01)
01- Sarojini Naidu College (WBSU) M.A. in English (01)
01-IGNOU M.A. in English (01)
2022 3 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 03 (WBUTTEPA) B.Ed
2021 18 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01- EFLU, Hyderabad M.A. in English
        02- Pondicherry University M.A. in English
        03-Rabindra Bharati University M.A. in English
        02-Sister Nivedita University M.A. in English
        05- Sri Shikshayatan College (under C.U.) M.A. in English
        01- Christ University, Delhi campus M.A. in English
        01- Christ University, Bangalore campus M.A. in English
        01-St. Joseph's College (autonomous), Darjeeling M.A. in English
        01-Lady Braboune College (under C.U.) M.A. in English
        01-University of Calcutta M.A. in Comparative Literature
2021 01 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01-Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Education B.Ed
2020 28 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 09- Calcutta University M.A. in English (06)
M.A. in Linguistics (02)
M.A. in CIL (01)
        01- Bethune College (CU) M.A. in English
        01- Bhawanipur Education University College (CU) M.A. in English
        01- Basanti Devi College (CU) M.A. in English
        01- Pune University M.A. in English
        01- Jawaharlal Nehru University M.A. in English
        01- Miranda House (DU) M.A. in English
        03 - EFLU, Hyderabad M.A. in English Literature
        01- University of Delhi M.A. in Linguistics
        02- Jadavpur University M.A. Film Studies (01)
M.A. in Comparative Literature (01)
        01- St. Xavier's University M.A. in Mass Communication
        02- EFLU, Shillong M.A. in English literature (01)
M.A. in Linguistics (01)
        01- IGNOU M.A. in English
        01- University of Hyderabad M.A. in Applied Linguistics
        01- Adamas University M.A. in Journalism
        01- ICFAI Business School, Mumbai MBA
2020 07 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 02-WBUTTEPA B.Ed
        02-Sri Shikshayatan College B.Ed
        01-Manbhum Institute of Education and Social Science, Purulia B.Ed
        01-Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia Diploma in Women's Studies
        01-Alliance Francaise Diploma in French Language
2019 27 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 10 - Calcutta University M.A. in English (08)
M.A. in Comparative Literature (02)
02 - Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University M.A. in English
01 - Delhi University M.A. in English
01 - Savitribai Phule University, Pune M.A. in English
01 - Loreto College (CU) M.A. in English
04 - Jadavpur University M.A. in English (01)

M.A. in Linguistics(03)
01 - Jawaharlal Nehru University M.A. in Linguistics
01 - EFLU M.A. in Comparative Literature
01 - Jindal Global University LLB
01 - Asian College of Journalism PG in Print Journalism
01 - L.V. Prasad Film & Television Academy Diploma in Film Direction
01 - IGNOU M.A. in Women & Gender Studies
01- Bagbazar Women's College (CU) M.A. in English
01 - Bhairab Ganguly College (WBSU) M.A. in English
2019 03 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01-IGNOU, Delhi PG Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies
        01-University of Calcutta PG Diploma in French Language
        01-Burdwan University B.Ed.
2018 23 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 08- Calcutta University M.A. in English
        02 - Jadavpur University M.A. in Linguistics (01)

M.A. in Comparative Literature (01)
        01 - Rabindra Bharati University M.A. in English
        04 - Bethune College (CU) M.A. in English
        01- Bhawanipore Gujarati Education Society M.A. in English
        01 - Viswa Bharati University M.A. in Mass Communication
        01 - Madras School of Social Work M.A. in Development Management
        02 - IGNOU M.A. in English (01)

PG in Public Administration (01)
        02-WBUTTEPA B.Ed.
        01-Burdwan University B.Ed.
2018 08 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01-Jadavpur University 2 years Diploma in
Spanish Language
        01- Alliance Fran?ise du Bengale (01) B.Ed.
        04-WBUTTEPA B.Ed.
        01- Adamas University B.Ed.
        01- Loreto College, Kolkata B.Ed.
2017 19 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01-University of Bristol, UK PG Programme in English Literature
07 - Calcutta University M.A. in English(06)
M.A. in Linguistics (01)
        02- Bethune College (CU) M.A. in English
        02-Moulana Azad College (CU) M.A. in English
        01- Presidency University, Kolkata M.A. in English
        01- EFLU M.A. in English
        01-IISWBM, Kolkata MBA in Human Resource Management
        01- Xavier's College PGDM (HR, Marketing)
        01- Madras School of Social Work Diploma in Management
        01- GLOBSYN, Kolkata MBA in Marketing
        01-IGNOU M.A. in English
2017 06 M.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 01- IIMC,New Delhi Post Graduate Diploma in English Journalism
        03- WBUTTEPA B.Ed+M.Ed.(01)
B.Ed. (02)
        01-Jadavpur University i)Diploma Course in Translation and
ii) Japanese Language Course
        01- MACE CTTC- Comprehensive
Teacher Training Course
2016 19 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 10- University of Calcutta M.A. in English
04 - Jadavpur
M.A. in English
01- Presidency
M.A. in English
01- Banaras Hindu University M.A. in English
01- Amity University M.A. in English
01-EFLU M.A. in English
01-IISWBM Diploma in Management
2015 27 B.A. in English Department of English, Bethune College 13 - Calcutta University M.A. in English
02- Jadavpur University M.A. in English (01)

M.A. in Comparative Lit (01)
02 - Delhi University M.A. in English
02 - Bethune College (C.U.) M.A. in English
03 - Presidency University M.A. in English
01- Shri Shikshayatan College M.A. in English
01- IGNOU M.A. in English
02- COMMITS, Bangalore PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication
01 - Aptech Diploma in Graphic Designing

Students qualifying in State/National/International level examinations during the year (e.g. NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOEFL/Civil Services/State Government Services):



No. of students selected/qualifying Name Roll No./ Reg No. for the Exam
 2021-22 State Government Services 1 Urmi Gayen Lecturer in Humanities at Ghatal Government Polytechnic, Paschim Medinipur under West Bengal General Service
  NET 3 Ashmita Saha NET-Dec 2021 & June 2022 combined, WB10670057
Dripta Sarangi NET-Dec 2021 & June 2022 combined, WB10100023
Propa Ghosh NET-Dec 2021 & June 2022 combined, WB08670156
GATE 1 Shreya Das GATE 2022_XH22S46501072
2020 -21 NET 4 Amrita Das NET- Sept 2020-WB0650900054
      Pragati Ray NET- Sept 2020-WB1150300013
      Diayasha Barman NET_Dec 2020 & June 2021 combined- WB10013817
      Shreya Das NET_Dec 2020 June 2021 -WB10013166
  GATE 1 Namrata Paul GATE 2021- XH21S74046271
  Civil Services 1 Ishita Chatterjee Recruitment in Junior Associates (CS & S) 2020, State Bank of India
2019-20 NET 2 Mukulika Choudhury NET Dec 2019- WB1005222554
Bhaswati Bhattacharjee NET+JRF Dec 2019- WB1005221247
2018-19 NET 17 Pratistha Das NET July 2018-91027449
Debdatta Saha NET July 2018-91029037
Shreyashi Chakraborty NET July 2018-91030153
Ishita Roy Chowdhury NET July 2018-91023533
Sanjukta Das Bhowmick NET July 2018- 91031253
Ipshita Barik NET July 2018- 91026997
Bhaswati Bhattacharjee NET Dec 2018- WB1004524879
Madhabi Chatterjee NET June 2019-WB04501156
Sangeeta Chatterjee NET June 2019- WB10502537
Ritwika Das NET June 2019- WB10520638
Medhasree Talapatra NET June 2019- WB10516648
Triparna Chattopadhyay NET June 2019- WB10507355
Soumili Das NET June 2019- WB10507355
Tamali Roy Choudhury NET June 2019- WB01502919
Priyadarshini Chatterjee NET June 2019-WB10508900
Purna Pahari NET June 2019- WB10525563
Ananya Sasaru NET+JRF June, 2019- WB10512948
2017-18 NET 2 Pratyusha Pramanik NET -Nov 2017- 85019508
Saptaparni Sadhu NET -Nov 2017- 52001887
SET 1 Pratistha Das SET- Dec 2017- 0207995

Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities

  • Srijani Ghosh, UG Sem4 won the 2nd prize in Reading Shakespeare Contest, DESNU in April 2022 and first prizes in Mockingbird, Literocracy 2021 and Wordsworth, Aalap 2021. Recently she participated in a Workshop on Public Writing through the Lens of Environmental Justice organized by Department of English, Jadavpur University in February-March 2023.
  • Madhusree Das, UG Sem4 won 2nd position in Literary Quiz, Transcendence of Characters, Literary Society of Sri Shikshayatan College, 2022. She was also awarded the first prize for International Creative Writing Competition by Heramba Chandra College (HCC), Department of Economics during 2020-21.
  • Bidisha Acharyya of the same batch secured the first position and was selected as the Best speaker of Debate Competition, Aalap 2020, Bethune College. She also won the third position in Melomania held by Artriq Foundation, 2021 and second position in the quiz competition Fire Dekha: Raja Rammohan Roy organized by Bethune College in June 2021.
  • Esha Das (UG Sem 2) won the First prize at 'Impulse' organised by HCC (Heramba Chandra College) Economics department in January 2021.
  • Amita Hembram of UG Sem 2 won the Third Position of the event SIYAAHI (English) of the SATRANGI' 21 organised by Heramba Chandra College , Department of Economics in collaboration with IQAC in January 2021.
  • Ashmita Saha (UG 3, 2020) was selected as Programme Announcer at All India Radio, Yubabani Channel and she continues to conduct regular programmes of All India Radio.
  • Bidisha Dutta (UG Sem III) won the Second Prize in the Inter College Debate Competition to commemorate the 200th Birth Anniversary of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar organised by Vidyasagar College for Women on September 11, 2020. She was also awarded a Certificate of merit from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for securing a position in the top 1.5% of KVS students in AISSCE 2019. She also received the First Prize at an event felicitating the meritorious students of the 2019 batch of AISSCE.
  • Sayantani Mandal came second in Recitation as part of West Bengal Inter college Competition organized by Charuchandra College in August 2020.
  • Debalina Sahu (UG Semester V)holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts (Painting) under Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh.
  • Saheli Chatterjee (UG 3, 2020) has a YouTube Channel of books and personal growth with 449K subscribers. She has received the Youtube Silver Play Button Award for crossing 100k subscribers on YouTube. Started a Marketing Business dealing with International Clients, and has been featured in The Telegraph and Women's Web.
  • Pratyusha Chakraborty (UG 3, 2020) besides being a professional artist is also the Art Moderator & Instagram Admin at Last Page Doodles (Kolkata's first and biggest art page with 24k likes on Facebook) . She is also the Admin and Founding member at ShareNGrow, a similar online art community that promotes budding artists. She has designed posters for a great number of college events, has significant contributions in college exhibitions and departmental wall magazines. She has contributed an essay in Prohor Punthi: Otimari 2020, a collection of essays published by Bethune College, documenting the period of lockdown in the country since March 2020.
  • Soumashree Mukherjee (UG Sem III) had her book of poetry The Dusk between our Dawns published by Amazon in March 2020.
  • Rupsa Das (UG Sem III) won the Third Prize at Xavrang - Dance duet competition held on 2nd March, 2020. She has the certification of being a Compiler in two anthologies, "The Alluring Tales" under Reasons and Laughters and "The Enticing Scribbles" under The Indian Writers '11. She is the Co-author of 4 anthologies, The Alluring Tales- under community, Reasons and Laughters, Delhi based Publisher ( -published under Fanatixx.
  • Simantini Sarkar (UG 3, 2020) stood First in Group Choreography at the annual fest Ispat Ignium 2019, organised by Presidency University, Kolkata. She stood Second in the Eastern dance(group) at the Inter college fest Sanskriti , organised in Jadavpur University, Kolkata. She also stood third in Fashion Show at the inter college fest Rhapsody 2018 , organised by NRS College, Kolkata. She got selected as the Young Panel Vocal artist at All India Radio in 2018.
  • Debroti Saha (UG Sem III) won the 8th position at the State Level "Rabindrik- chetanay rabindranath vabnay rabindranath". Organizer- Himansu Datta, Date - 30th April to 6th May 2020.
  • Mehuli Das (UG Sem III) won the First Prize at Calcutta Youth Meet, Group Dance, Script Productions, 24th October, 2019.
  • Priyadarshini Chatterjee of PG Semester IV and Debanjana Roychowdhury of PG Semester II won First Prize in the Debate competition 'Calewars' organized by Scottish Church College, Department of Business Administration held on 29.3.2019. Priyadarshini was also declared the Best Speaker in the event.
  • The Department of English became Departmental Champions jointly with Chemistry department in the Intra College Competitions, 2018.
  • Trisrota Datta made it to the Final Four poetry performers, in Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival. She was also one of the coordinators of the Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival, 2018. She was the Assistant General Secretary of the Students' Union of Bethune College.
  • Ahendrila Goswami of UG III stood first in inter-college essay writing competition (English) called 'AgamiNirman' conducted by the Ramakrishna Mission in 2018. She has contributed as author and editor to the college publication Mahasweta Nivedita and college magazine Adiganta. She has completed her internship at Voices, The Statesman.
  • Sayantani Adhikary began her start-up called 'Photo_Scene_Thesis.' She had worked as a photographer and editor at Apeejay Bangla Sahitya Utshob, 2017 .
  • Shalinee Das of UG III, won 2nd Prize in All Bengal Debate Competition held in commemoration of Sister Nivedita's 150th Birth Anniversary. She was 3rd in Debate held in the National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities. She also represented our college in a panel discussion on the occasion of World Values Day on October 20, 2016 at Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark.
  • Aklanta Pain Majumder of UG II performed classical, semi-classical, creative, and Rabindrik dance forms, in several shows, dance festivals, in and out of West Bengal, under Kohinoor Dance Academy and Bhabna Dance Troupe throughout the year. She has also done Anchoring, recitation. Her audio CD on recitation and video CD Rabindrik Dance form were released.
  • Sukanya Bagchi, UG III, represented our college in a panel discussion on "Priority of Planning a Career at high school and the dilemma of the learners" held at Vivekananda Hall, Kolkata on July 30, 2016 organized by the Institute for Inspiration and Self Development. She also delivered the students' address on the occasion of Bethune Day in the college on August 12, 2016.