Students' Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)


Following the University Grant Commission’s (UGC) Regulations for Redressal of Grievances Students, 2023 ( notification date: April 11,2023), Students’ Grievance Redressal Committees (SGRC) was formed for Bethune College on 19.12.2023(vide notice no. 369A/BC dt. 19.12.2023) for a period of two years with effect from December 19, 2023 to December 18, 2025. The Committee has been reconstituted on 24.9.2024(vide notice no. 298 /BC dt. 24.09.2024) by replacing the student member. The names of the committee members are as follows::

Committee Members

  1. Dr. Manjusree Mukhopadhyay ( Associate Professor, Bengali), Chairperson
  2. Sm. Indrani Sinha Roy (Associate Professor, Chemistry), Member
  3. Dr. Ajoy Kumar Biswas (Associate Professor, Statistics), Member
  4. Dr. Satarupa Bandopadhyay(Associate Professor, Economics), Member
  5. Dr. Hiroj Kumar Saha (Assistant Professor, Zoology), Member
  6. Ananya Pal (Semester 5, Department of Zoology), Student Member

View the UGC Regulations for Redressal of Grievances of Students, 2023 (notification date: April 11,2023)Click here



Our institution shall adhere to UGC Guidelines for Redressal of Grievances of Students, 2023( notification date: April 11, 2023). Specifically:

  1. Each institution shall, within a period of three months from the date of issue of this notification, have an online portal where any aggrieved student may submit an application seeking redressal of grievance.
  2. On receipt of an online complaint, the institution shall refer the complaint to the appropriate Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee, along with its comments within 15 days of receipt of complaint on the online portal.
  3. The Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee, as the case may be, shall fix a date for hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the institution and the aggrieved student.
  4. An aggrieved student may appear either in person or authorize a representative to present the case.
  5. Grievances not resolved by the Students’ Grievance Redressal Committee within the time period provided in these regulations may be referred to the Ombudsperson by the university.
  6. Institutions shall extend co-operation to the Ombudsperson or the Student Grievance Redressal Committee(s), in early redressal of grievances.
  7. The Ombudsperson shall, after giving reasonable opportunities of being heard to the parties concerned, on the conclusion of proceedings, pass such order, with reasons thereof, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide such relief as may be appropriate to the aggrieved student
  8. The institution, as well as the aggrieved student, shall be provided with copies of the order under the signature of the Ombudsperson. (ix) The institution shall comply with the recommendations of the Ombudsperson.
  9. The Ombudsperson may recommend appropriate action against the complainant, where a complaint is found to be false or frivolous.

Email ID for Grievance submission: